Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lil Kim Says Nicki Minaj Brought Beef On Herself, "They Thought I Was Gonna Sit Back"

"This is the thing: It's just, it's really, like, at the end of the day, I do what I have to do, and I'm gonna keep doing what I have to do," Kim said in an interview. "I'm gonna do me. They're the ones that brought this about. It could have been that simple. But what they did was underestimate me. They thought I was gonna sit back and let them do what they were doing. I'm gonna let everybody know: I'm on my Hollywood sophisticated, but I'll bring it back if I have to. And that's in life. I can't help it. I'm G'd up from my feet up. If I have to handle my business, I'mma handle my business. And I have to fight for my fans." (MTV)

"What kind of message would that send to my fans if I just sit back and watched?" she said. "Let this girl do what she's doing. My fans were more fumed than I was. They were looking like, 'Do you see this? Do you hear this?' But at the end of the day, I understand what they were feeling. I owe my fans a whole lot." (MTV)

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