Monday, March 7, 2011

"You Have To Think Outside The One Little Box Of Being A Rapper"

"You definitely gotta get into other things," Premier said in an interview with DJ Vlad. "Rap is something you do, hip-hop is something you live. I live hip-hop everyday. Whether I'm not even making a beat or nothing...You gotta get into other stuff. I want to get into cartoons -- we're consumers and watchers too...Just like football players and all that, when they retire, some of them open up stores, some of them start up real estate businesses. Some of them start building houses. You gotta start doing other things especially now since the recession's hit so bad and a lot of people are still in a deep struggle to survive. You have to think outside the one little box of being a rapper -- think about being an executive that could make a new business grow or be bigger so that more money pours in and more money pours in...Expand more from that, it's that simple." (Vlad TV)

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